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Camera 3 is an 5-week course, focusing on Scene Partner Connection, Script Analysis, Emotions, Scene Work, and Performance Techniques. This course is available for actors who have taken Camera 2, or those who are intermediate – advanced in their training or practice. If you have not taken Camera 2, but want to enroll, you must contact us first.

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What This Course Covers

Building on lessons learned in Camera 1 & Camera 2, this course gives students the chance to work on challenging scenes from film/TV, and continues the training of our analysis technique for the on-camera actor.

Quick Course Breakdown

Week 1: Analysis Lessons & Application
Week 2: Rehearsing & Staging 
Week 3: Taping & Reviewing
Week 4: Rehearsing, Staging, Continuity
Week 5: Taping, Working in Closeup Frames

During week 1, students will watch clips, read from screenplays, and learn our how to dive deeper into scripts. We will also start exercises for building connection with scene partners.

In week 2, we will start with a partner exercises and then rehearse scenes, continue the reinforce analysis techniques, and prepare for filming in week 3.

In week 3, scenes will be filmed from a few angles, and reviewed for notes.

In week 4, students will be working on news scenes, a different genre than the previous week and with a new partner. We start with partner building exercises, then rehearse new scenes, focusing on continuity of action, and other advanced elements (contact, emotional peaks, etc.).

In week 5 we will film scenes, covering them from more angles, and focusing on the closeup.

Picture of Your Instructors

Your Instructors

Camera 3 is taught by Mighty Tripod co-founders, David S. Hogan & Angela DiMarco.